We no longer could keep the experience and pleasure to ourselves. We had to share it with the Mossel Bay community and its visitors.

It took 2 years of planning and running numbers before we were finally set to go in 2012, with imported European equipment.

Glenhoff is a natural beer brewed by South Cape Breweries according to the Reinheitsgebot method to ensure purity, clarity and excellence. Even our water used is reversed-osmosis treated.

South Cape Breweries currently brew a range of 4 beers; Glenhoff Lager, Glenhoff Ale, Glenhoff Weiss and Glenhoff Stout.


For over 9 years Glenhoff has been brewed in accordance with the stringent Reinheitsgebot (purity law) of 1516, producing the perfect beer using only four ingredients, namely malted barley, hops, yeast and water.


Johann Baker

Johann Baker

Founder, Co-Owner & Beer Connoisseur

Lee-Anne Baker

Lee-Anne Baker

Marketing Manager

Sandra Baker

Sandra Baker

Co-Owner & Beer Connoisseur

Jaco Groenewald

Jaco Groenewald

Sales & Deliveries

Berand Ferris

Berand Ferris

Beer Brewer & Beer Connoisseur